Everywhere across the country there are rose bushes busting into bud and blossom.

This is an excellent time of year to plant roses- just be sure that there is lots of sun [minimum 6 hours each day] and well drained, rich soil for them to grow in.

It is not necessary to winterize roses in order for them to survive over a Canadian winter -- be sure to plant hardy shrub roses like the Canadian Explorer Series, which are widely available across the country.

When your roses do bloom be sure to cut some and bring them indoors to enjoy in a vase of fresh water. There you can enjoy their colour and scent to a much greater degree vs. growing in the garden.

Be sure to fertilize roses once a month with a quality rose food, keep them weedfree and to remove the spent blossoms as they finish to encourage new ones to develop later in the season.

Have fun and watch out for the thorns among the roses. A rule to live by.