Renown spoken word performer Shane Koyczan’s newest video is hitting home with kids and adults alike. “Troll” takes aim at those who bully others online – usually anonymously. It’s a practice known as “trolling”.

“We got a lot of letters from young people saying ‘why didn’t you address cyberbullying’ in the last video we did,” said Koyczan.

In 2013, the video for his poem “To This Day” went viral. It told the story of his own experiences being bullied in school, as well as those of two other victims. To this day it has garnered more than 14 million views on YouTube.

“Cyberbullying is in people’s homes and it became important for me to address that,” Koyczan said. “We shouldn’t be afraid to speak up.”

The artwork for “Troll” is by Gareth Gaudin with music by Cayne McKenzie and Hannah Epperson. The animation and editing is by Amazing Factory Productions.