Freshness amplified: divine medley of flavours that just simply works. Merging such ingredients allows them to create a beautifully blended sauce on their own as they integrate together. Invest in a spiral slicer if you can as it is an innovative and top-notch kitchen gadget that you can use for countless dishes. Discover a convenient way to create various types of noodles with an array of vegetables.


  • 4 medium zucchini, made into spiraled noodles
  • 2 tbsp (28 g) cooking fat (we used coconut oil)
  • 6 cloves fresh garlic, minced
  • 24 large shrimp (pre-cooked), rinsed and tails removed
  • 2 (6 cups [908 g]) packages grape tomatoes, halved
  • 1⁄3 cup (10 g) fresh basil, chopped
  • sea salt and ground pepper, to taste

Makes 2 to 3 servings

Using a spiral slicer, transform zucchini into curly noodles and set aside in a large glass bowl. In a large wok, heat up cooking fat over low to medium heat. Begin by adding in garlic and cook for 5 minutes until softened.

Turn the heat up to medium and add in the shrimp. Cook for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add in the tomatoes and continue to stir. Let cook for 10 minutes or so.

Finally, add in the zucchini noodles along with the fresh basil and cook for about 7 minutes until noodles have softened. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. If you wish, you can garnish with some more freshly chopped basil. Use tongs to plate and serve.

If you tolerate dairy, add in some Parmesan, feta, goat or mozzarella cheese.

Side note: This recipe turns out the best if you cook it in stages rather than putting everything in together all at once. You could also try with raw shrimp, but you would obviously want to adjust the cooking time.

Nutrient Density Facts: Although typically consumed in smaller quantities, fresh basil is high in vitamin K with over 3x the RDA. It is also an excellent source of vitamin A. It is a very good source of manganese and a good source of iron and copper as well.

Shrimp is an excellent source of selenium and a very good source of vitamin B12. It is also a good source of copper, phosphorus and choline.