
  • 8 lbs baby back ribs
  • 1/4 cup yellow mustard
  • 1 cup spice rub (your favourite)
  • 1 cup barbecue sauce


Diffuser Kit


Prepare ribs by peeling the thin membrane off the back of the ribs. This is most easily accomplished by lifting an edge of the membrane with the tip of a knife, then grasping it with a piece of paper towel and pulling firmly. Coat front and back of each rib with yellow mustard and rub in. Then coat and rub the spice rub mixture over the front and back of each rib. Let sit half an hour before placing on the Keg.

Prepare the Keg for indirect grilling at 225°F and fill the diffuser kit with water.

Place the ribs on the upper rack, leaving room all around for air to flow, close the lid and allow to cook at this temperature for 6–7 hours. Start to check for doneness after 6 hours. By gently pulling between 2 rib bones, the meat will come away from the bone easily when they are ready. When you see that they are getting close to this tenderness, start basting with barbecue sauce. Finish by cooking for another 1/2 hour.

Serves 8–10




  • 12 long beef ribs (prime ribs)
  • 2 tbsp yellow mustard
  • coarse kosher salt
  • extra virgin olive oil


  • 1 tbsp black peppercorns
  • 1 tbsp dried chanterelle mushrooms
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tbsp chili powder
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper


  • 1 cup apple juice in a spray bottle


  • 1 cup barbecue sauce and 1 cup jelly(anything in the refrigerator)


  • 2 cups mesquite wood chips



Set up the Broil King Keg (your smoker) to smoke ribs at 225–250°F for 4–5 hours. Soak the mesquite wood chips for 30 minutes.

Lay ribs on a large cookie sheet in a single layer. Rub with yellow mustard. Give them a light drizzle of oil and season with salt. Grind the pepper, mushrooms and cumin seeds until fine. Combine with chili powder and cayenne pepper. Sprinkle over ribs and rub in. Let the ribs sit for 30 minutes.

Add the wood chips to the smoker and fill diffuser tray or a pan with water. Add the ribs and close the lid. Smoke for 4–5 hours. Spray liberally with mop every 30 minutes. When the internal temperature of the ribs reaches 135°F, open the vents on the keg. Place the pot of beans on the upper rack and baste the ribs with glaze and grill until the ribs have crisped up.

Wrap tightly in foil and place on smoker, with the vents closed, for another 45 minutes.