There is a lot of discussion today about the loss of pollinators, including the decline of the honey bee population.

There is much that we can do to help save them, but more to the point, there are some things that we shouldn’t do too. Like use toxic chemicals in your yard to control unwanted insects.

Enter the lowly lady bug. To control aphids on your roses release lady bugs, which are carnivorous and enjoy aphids as a meal.

You can buy them, out of a fridge, from a local garden retailer.

Kids love the idea of them: if you buy local species (not aggressive imports) they are benign and fun at the same time!

Praying mantis also eat myriad bugs in your garden. Look for praying mantis casings in the same fridge.

While you are at it, kill unwanted weeds with an acidic solution that is similar to vinegar but stronger (Wipe Out Plus).

There are other environmentally friendly solutions to many of your garden problems. Go to for more recipes and tips.