If you have chubby bits that rub together you can avoid chafing with this simple homemade cream. Mix 1/2 cup of coconut oil (in solid form) with 2 Tbsp of cornstarch. Keep the cream in a container in the fridge or a cool dark place in your bathroom. Rub a small amount on to inner thighs at the beginning of the day. The coconut oil helps skin glide vs. stick and the cornstarch absorbs excess moisture.


Add some comfort and style to your living space! Pick up some low wire plant stands and buy a piece of foam that fits snugly into the top. Cut a piece of cardboard to fit the bottom of the stand and place the piece of foam on top. Cover the foam and cardboard with outdoor fabric, or a vinyl tablecloth. Staple to secure the fabric to the cardboard. Fit the covered foam piece into the planter. Voila! Instant footstool for cheap.


A great solution for camping or bonfires. Take an old cardboard egg carton. Fill each compartment with a cotton ball. Add a thin layer of petroleum jelly on top. Separate each egg section to make a dozen fire starters. Light one of the starters and build your kindling and wood on top. Works like a charm and gives your fire a fighting chance on windy summer nights.


Hours of fun for the whole family.


  • 6 cups water
  • 2 cups Joy dishwashing liquid
  • 3/4 cup light corn syrup

Gently mix all ingredients in a bowl. Let stand overnight. Pour into a shallow and wide container and use giant DIY bubble wand to make bubbles!


  • Dowling
  • Eye hooks
  • 100% cotton butcher's twine and/or string