If you feel like you've piled on a few festive pounds, you are not alone.  Estimates on holiday weight gain range anywhere from a 2 to 10 pounds and it can often feel like so much more!

During the hectic holiday season, it's tough to stay on track let alone start a fitness program.  If you start with moderate amounts, however, you can start to rev up your metabolism and recover from holiday indulgences.  

If you were working out before the holidays hit, it helps ease you back into your workout schedule.  If you're planning to start working out as part of a New Year's Resolution plan - or just because - doing something now will help you prepare both mentally and physically.

Quick work outs can be done at home, outside or anywhere you're traveling using little to no equipment.  Our segment includes samples using body weight, steps and chairs, resistance bands and gliders.  Glider exercises are great as they add stability challenge and can also be done with washcloths or paper plates - low tech and low cost!

These can all be one in 10, 20 or 30 minutes options!

Set Up

Keep it simple, but take a moment to set up a space for your workout.  Determine what you need along with the reps, sets or time so that once you start you can stay focused without interruption.  Put on something comfortable for moving along with shoes for better grip and stability.  If you want, throw on some favourite music for additional motivation!

Get Moving

Warming up before a workout can be very simple.  You want to accomplish 3 things.  To raise core temperature, walk briskly, climb stairs or jog on the spot.  Lubricate the joints with large, rhythmic movements.  Rehearse by including lighter versions of some of the movements in your workout.

Once you start your workout, be aware of how you feel so that you can stay safe but also to monitor your progress.  A good benchmark is "comfortable but challenging".  It's a guideline that always grows with you!

Stretch and Reflect

Stretching is most effective after a workout when you're body is warm.  Include stretches for all the major muscle groups you used during your workout and hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds.  

Far too often we beat ourselves up for what we don't get done. This is the perfect time to turn it around and focus and build on the positive!  Take a moment to reflect and give yourself credit for what you've just accomplished.  It's also the perfect time to mentally schedule your next workout!

For full workouts with resistance bands, gliders and body weight, visit www.libbynorris.com.

If you have a specific question we'd love to hear from you.  We also have a quick survey to find out your biggest challenges to help plan workouts and segments for the New Year!