Who would have thought that a simple cylinder of foam could improve flexibility, function, posture, muscle balance and reduce injuries?  That's certainly not all going to happen in a single session, but since so many people skip out on stretching, a foam roller is a great tool to add inspiration and focus to your stretch routine.

How it works for flexibility…

Like some of our best training tools including stability balls and bands, foam rollers were first used in physiotherapy.  It just makes sense to apply techniques BEFORE injuries occur.  

In simple terms, you apply your own body weight on the foam roller to massage soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia) to work out the kinks!

The more in-depth explanation involved the “kinetic chain” or the integration of your 3 key systems - soft tissue, joints and nerves.   When one segment of your kinetic chain is not functioning effectively, other components must compensate which can lead to imbalance, overload, fatigue, and faulty movement patterns.  For example, tight muscles restrict range of motion of a joint and normal feedback to the central nervous system.  

Using a foam roller can help reduce soft-tissue tension decreases pain and improves function.

Guidelines & Tips

Just like any other fitness training or tools, start with moderate range of motion and intensity and gradually increase.  Here's some additional tips to follow:

  • warm up prior to using the foam roller for flexibility
  • start with the roller under soft tissue areas that are tight
  •  work from the centre of the body OUT towards extremities
  •  BREATHE in and out deeply as you work to reduce tense reflexes (this seems simple but just wait until you try it!)
  • start with 20-30 second and then increase to 1-2 minutes each side (based on the stretch)
  • if you feel pain - stop and rest on that area for 30-45 seconds (this helps reduce muscle tension)
  • for specific issues, execute 1-2 times daily


  • move slowly - start with light body weight and gradually add pressure
  • avoid rolling over bony areas; stay on the soft tissue!
  • expect some discomfort
  • for specific issues, always check with your physician, phyio, RMT or chiropractor

5 More Ways to Roll

  1. For core - by lying on the roller and applying progressions with arms, legs and movement, you can work your core similar to using a BOSU or stability ball
  2. For strength - you can use the foam roller as a bench; it's lighter, takes up less space AND adds a stability challenge!
  3. For posture - foam rollers help promote muscle balance which is critical for good posture; in additional, simply lying on the roller is a great posture break stretching out the chest and shoulders while drawing rhomboids (back) down and back
  4. For the office - shorts rollers can be used as foot rests or as a great stretch break option right at your desk to massage your back, legs and arms
  5. For travel - like the office, short rollers are great to use for massage and to promote circulation which can be an issue flying or driving

Finding a foam roller

Foam rollers range from $20-$80 and vary in length and density.  The more dense the foam, the more pressure will be applied and typically the more it costs!  Full length rollers are about 36” with the shorter rollers about 18” long.  These can be found with smooth textured surfaces - you'll definitely feel the textured one more!  There are also half cylinder foam rollers which are great to use for posture and core but have more limited function for massage.

Get inspired to roll!

Flexibility is such an important element with your health and fitness routine.  Your muscles work most effectively at full length, so flexibility impacts all of your daily tasks, athletic or sports performance and your metabolism.  

Foam rollers are a great way to get inspired to spend a bit more time on flexibility that so often gets skipped!  Check out www.libbynorris.com for specific roam roller exercise outlines you can use at the gym, home or office.

It's not too late to join us!

Whether you have 5 or 50 lbs to lose, we've set up access and an amazing discount for our Canada AM viewers to access to the online training site and YOU can start ANY time.

If you have any questions on how and where to get started with your workouts, contact Libby at www.libbynorris.com.  We love your feedback, questions and suggestions for segments.